Karl & Betty Schendelwrote in message news:l03130300b3c7f69de63e@[]... > At 1:30 PM -0400 7/30/99, Louis T. Chmielewski wrote: > >Hello all, > > > >I was wondering? > >When we create a form in ABF all the fields, by default, are created as > >nullable fields and we have to go in and change each field. > >I was wondering if that was a default value stored somewhere that we can > >change to non nullable as the default. > > As far as I know, this is wired into VIFRED and can't be defaulted > anywhere that I ever heard of. > > > Karl R. Schendel, Jr. > K/B Computer Associates schendel@kbcomputer.com > Ingres and Unix Expertise > > President, North American Ingres Users Association > president@naiua.org From: Chip Nickolett Subject: Re: ABF question Hi Louis & Karl, The following queries were used to "de-nullify" forms created by Vision. I'm not ambitious enough tonight to see if they will also work for normal vifred forms but my guess is that they would (for the most part Vision doesn't do to many non-standard things). These are updated in the syscats of the database that contains the application. Remember, direct updates to system catalogs are not supported and can cause problems, so be careful and make sure you have a good backup. I hope that it helps. select * from ii_fields where fldatatype < 0; \p\g update ii_fields set fldatatype = fldatatype * -1 ,fllength = fllength - 1 where fldatatype < 0; \p\g select * from ii_fields where fldatatype < 0; \p\g select * from ii_fields; \p\g Chip Nickolett ChipN@Comp-Soln.com Comprehensive Consulting Solutions, Inc. (www.Comp-Soln.com) Phone: 414-544-9954 Fax: 414-544-1236
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