>I was wondering if there was anyone with a Windows4GL 3.5/02 client Windows95 >installation that may be able to help me. > >I am in the process of setting up the PC and all was going well until I >attempted to setup a Global node/authorisation entry in NETU. >The problem I'm having is that it won't allow me to have global entries. >Save an entry as global and it disappears (note this does not happen with >private entries). >Can anyone one tell me if they have encountered this, and if there is a work >around or patch available? > >Paresh Parbhoo >Torque Management Systems >Auckland, New Zealand >Email: pareshp@tms.co.nz I just talked to tech support about this issue. The problem is that under Windows 95 you need to have a line in your \ingres\files\user file for every user who will be using OpenROAD and netu. If you look at the file, you will see that the format is something like: emy!0!0!100025 ingres!0!0!100025 $ingres!0!0!100025 system!0!0!100025 The top line is my login, and the rest you get as a default with the installation. You will need to add a line for each distinct Windows95 login. If you aren't actually logging into Windows95 (because you cancel the login popup and log in as a conceptual "non user"), you need a line like: !0!0!100025 (all the information but with no user) Note that you should check the format of your own user file--this one is from my NT installation, so I can't guarantee that Windows95 is identical. I think it is, but to be safe, just use your own file as a template. Elena -------- Elena M. Yatzeck, Lead Programmer GSB Computing Services University of Chicago
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